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بواسطة (19.3ألف نقاط)

Many people think that the sorcerers are the weakest today, cause the other classes can make a equal exp in high levels and more profit, and in terms of power is like a druid, but the druids can heal a friend in a hunt and can use paralyse runes in pvp.

I think the sorcerers have a few spells different than druids, a middle heal

The paladins should stay half an hour before the hunt for make a arrows

The high level knights in solo hunt have a middle heal with potions

The druids suffer when the hunts dont make a profit and the knight is horrible in math.

and what do you think is the major shortcomings of each vocation in tibia today?

2 إجابة

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بواسطة (19.3ألف نقاط)

Well sorcerer could be at least more necessary, because now in team hunts or duos a druid is a lot better because of healing so maybe a spell to balance that, something with death would be cool... but nothing that it actually need a huge fix :)

Knights are a really good vocation but not being able to use strong manas is really bad during hunts but again not a huge fix, you can still had a lot of profit as long as you carry enough mana potions or if you doesnt care to kill 1 creature at time xD

Paladins became extremely great vocation to profit in lower levels and even as high level but there is the arrow problem as low level it ends too fast and as a high level you need to make them before hunting

I really don’t know what to say about druids, healing and paralyze make them a huge support vocation and they can make big damages using runes just like a sorcerer so I don’t see any problem.

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بواسطة (19.3ألف نقاط)

Sorcerer: I suppose this start by a thread in the forum about "Make Sorcerer great again". I read alot """ideas""" and well, they are CRAZY in the best cases (Things like more gain of experiences/magic level with Sorcerer or make an upgrade of all damage by 30%) look like they just wanna be the OP vocation in the game and dont want a real balance. I think the people just miss the old times when the sorcerer was the OP vocation in the game. Given some new spells in form of WAVE its the best and balance option I see.

Druid: I hope see anothers ways to do support in the hunts and not only heal.

Paladin: The only "problem" with the arrows is just the time do you need to make it or to ask another paladin. If you put to sell arrows on npc (100x10K) its done, yo dont have more problems.

Knight: Nothing to say.

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